10 Steps to Financial Freedom
- Find your “money view”
- How to create a budget
- How to get out of debt
- Creating an abundance mentality
- Saving & investing
A Golden Opportunity to Roth Convert and Rebalance
- Discover the massive tax opportunity we haven’t seen in decades!
- Gain insight from the area’s foremost Roth Conversion Practitioner
- Discover the silver lining following Market Corrections
- Uncover Top Secrets that Wall Street doesn’t want you to know
Breaking Down the SECURE Act
- Understanding the basics of the SECURE Act
- How to use the SECURE Act to your utmost advantage
- What does this mean for stretch IRAs and small businesses?
- Learn the pros and cons and how they affect you
Budgeting, Relationships, and Life Events
- Creating financial wellness
- Financial wellness growth opportunities
- 4 crucial financial issues to discuss in relationships
- Life events that change financial plans and how to handle them
Charitable Trust & Tax Planning Best Kept Secrets
- An introductory course for charitable trusts
- Learn key differences between tax avoidance vs tax deferral
- Uncover the secrets to tax harvesting
- Understand three pivotal ways to do a Roth conversion
College Planning 101
- The M.Y.T.H. about financial aid
- Sources of money
- Need-based vs. non need-based
- College funding vs. financial planning
- Advice
- The reward
Cryptocurrency Explained
- Bitcoin, Alt Coins and NFTs
- Blockchain Technology
- Tax & Legislative Treatment
- Buy and Hold or Trade?
Estate Planning
- Dealing with death & estate taxes
- Wills & trusts
- Probate & your estate
- Choosing an executor
- Lifetime giving exclusion
- Unlimited marital deduction
- Tax-free inheritance
Federal Benefits 101
- Why & what federal employees need to plan for
- Basic options for insurance
- How to calculate my pension
- Retirement eligibility guidelines
- Common mistakes made in the TSP
Federal Benefits’ Best Kept Secrets
- ChFEBC advisor
- What tax bracket will I be in at retirement?
- What makes us so special?
- The rules of the game
- Exit strategies
- Free insurance
- TSP, catch-up, & loans
Federal Insurance Programs Unraveled
- Medicare
- Medicaid
- Social Security supplement
Federal Leave & Earnings Statements
- How to interpret your statement line by line
- Selecting the proper options for benefits
- Managing your tax witholdings
- Where does all my money go?
- Hidden opportunities within your paycheck
- Disability & social security
Financial Fitness
- Cash flow management
- Basics of tax planning
- Creating a financial road map
- Introduction to estate planning
- Overcoming obstacles to creating wealth
- Maximum savings & investment plans
Financial Pitfalls
- Lack of plan or inadequate plan
- Improper debt management
- Lack of estate plan
- Lack of tax planning strategy
- Buying advice over the internet
- Lack of exit strategy
Financial Planning in Uncertain Times
- Budgeting for change
- Retirement horizons
- TSP planning
- Benefit planning
- Exit strategies
Financial Transitions
- Reasons for career/job transitions
- Placement resources
- Can I, or when can I, retire?
- Lining up your benefits/insurance options
- Choosing new benefits (weighing the options)
- Rolling over your 401k -vs- leaving it at your old employer
- Taking control & ownership of your finances
- Understanding your retirement plans & what they are worth
Holiday Spending
- Setting expectations
- Budgeting
- Building a naughty or nice list
- Hidden holiday costs
- Best practices when spending
How Your Federal Benefits Work in Retirement
- Your TSP income options
- What is taxable income in retirement?
- How to get free federal life insurance
- Combining your health insurance with Medicare
- Nuances to long-term care
- Social Security Supplement with FERS
IRA, TSP, & 401(k) Rollovers
- Consolidating assets
- IRS section 525
- Accessing your retirement accounts for current needs
- Saving & Avoiding taxes
- Leaving IRA’s behind
- Stretch IRA’s
Legacy Planning & Creating Generational Wealth
- Generational wealth accumulation
- Your financial wellness & its importance
- How does your planning affect your family?
- What is a TOD?
- Charitable giving
- Wills & trusts
Maximizing Your Financial Plan
- Macro manager
- Financial Planner
- Common financial myths
- The rules of the game are changing
- Exit Strategies
- Where do we go from here?
Medicare Basics
- Medicare Part A
- Different plans/supplements that are available
- Individual part coverage
- How to navigate Medicare Part D
- Financial responsibility under Medicare
Mitigating the Cost of Long-Term Care
- LTC by the numbers
- Federal LTC program
- Activities of daily living
- Qualifying for low/no-cost coverage
- LTC insurance alternatives
- Medicaid planning
- LTC during retirement
Planned Giving
- One-time gifts vs ongoing gifts
- Tax ramifications to families & estates
- Using charitable trusts or charitable strategies for planned giving
- Leaving a planned giving legacy
- Benefits to you & your family
Pre-Retirement Planning for Federal Employees
- States that don’t tax federal pensions
- Jumpstart survivor benefits
- How to calculate FERS/CSRS pension benefits
- ROTH & catch-up TSP
- Health insurance for spouse & family
- Social Security windfall elimination, supplement, & integration
Retirement Planning
- How not to outlive your money
- Running the retirement marathon
- How taxes and inflation impact retirement
- Exit strategies
- RMDs
- Stretch IRAs
- Long-term care considerations
Retirement Planning for Federal Employees
- Where & when to retire
- MRA calculations
- TSP income options
- Pension maximum
- When to draw Social Security
- Health insurance vs. Medicare
- Federal Long-Term Care Insurance
Retirement Readiness
- Retirement Survival Guide
- Social Security Strategy
- Lifetime Income Plan
- Estates and Beneficiaries
- Planning for the What Ifs
- Retirement Accounts and Investments
- 4-Step Readiness Checklist
Social Security 101
- Understanding the basics of Social Security
- How to optimize your benefits
- Advantages of applying after full retirement age
- How are your benefits calculated?
- How cost-of-living adjustments affect your Social Security
Stock Market Crashes for Dummies
- Understanding market corrections
- What triggers a market correction?
- What to do during market volatility
- Consult with a professional
- Find the silver lining
- Stock market math
Strategic Allocation
- Planning your wealth for interest rate fluctuation, inflation, market volatility, & taxes
- Using strategic allocations to meet your financial goals
- Tax-Free, lifetime stream of income
- COLA income
Taxes & The IRS
- Where do our taxes go?
- Do I need a tax advisor?
- Tax avoidance
- Tax-free savings
- Tax-deferral vs. tax-deductible vs. tax-free
- Why you shouldn’t wait to get your refund
Understanding Your TSP
- Eligibility & limits
- Allocation options
- Roth vs. traditional
- When rollovers & loans make sense
- Retirement distributions
Who Is Your Healthcare Advocate?
- How do you legally designate a healthcare advocate?
- What will Medicare cover for you as part of your elder care?
- Who should you have designated on your healthcare team?
- Where should you keep your lists of medications and assets?
- Should you self-insure for long-term care, invest in long-term care insurance, or rely on Medicaid?